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Welcome To Website Of (ΚΕ.Β.Α.Μ.Ε.)
A few words about us
Our laboratory Biochemical Analysis-Study and Research Centre - (KEBAME) started operating in 1992. Its founder is Kakavas V. Konstantinos Oenologist - Food Chemist and Assistant Professor of the Department of Environment at the University of Thessaly - Greece, specializing in environmental quality control. Our experience, scientific attitude and continuous development have made the laboratory stand out among competitive chemical laboratories. It is the chemistry lab with the most expertise and the friendliest welcome in our own establishment at 37 Xenopoulou st.(near the intersection of Volos & Iroon Polytechniou streets) Larisa - Greece.
We actively participate in Central Greece life by giving lectures, participating in scientific debate over burning issues such as environmental pollution, food, farming, material technology and we also monitor selected wineries. Also write many scientific research papers and participates to many international conferences all over the world (see research papers).
Biochemical Analysis/Study and Research Centre (KE.B.A.M.E) is οfficially approved and certified by:
Various specialists such as ?gronomist, Chemical Environmentalist, Enologist, Biochemist, Chemist, Chemical Engineer and Veterinarian work in our Biochemical Analysis-Study and Research Centre (KEBAME) either part time or full time.
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September 10, 2024, 10:02 amΞενοπούλου 37 & Ηρώων Πολυτεχνείου 196 | TK 41221 ΛΑΡΙΣΑ | Τηλ/Fax +302410550705 |